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Joining the Big Apple Chorus


If you're a person who likes to sing and you can sing on pitch, joining the Big Apple Chorus is simple.


We ask that you attend at least three rehearsals (ideally, consecutive). 


At the start of your first visit, one of our Music Team will determine your vocal range and help you select a voice part (tenor, lead, baritone or bass).


From your first visit, we will invite you to stand on the risers with the Chorus, next to others singing your voice part, as we work on our new songs and review our current repertoire.  You will thus experience first hand what a thrill it is to sing with the Big Apple Chorus and give you the sheet music for our songs.

At the conclusion of your third visit, you may audition for membership.  You will be guided through a series of vocal and rhythm exercises, designed to determine your singing abilities.  We basically want to be sure that you can sing in key and have a good ear for singing harmony with a tone and quality that will blend well with the Chorus.


When you have successfully completed your audition, you will be given a membership application which you’ll be asked to fill out and return, along with payment of your dues.​

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