The Big Apple Chorus
A Unique Mothers Day Gift
Big Apple Chorus'
(a live Quartet singing to Mom on Zoom)
Before this dreadful pandemic struck, on special days such as Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Valentines Day, birthdays and anniversaries, friends and fans of the Big Apple Chorus would engage our a cappella quartets to serenade special people in their lives with appropriate songs for the occasion.
These surprise appearances usually took place at folks' homes, at their offices or in a restaurant. But now, in these COVID days, in-person serenades aren't such a good idea.
To adapt to this current situation, we've now changed our platform and are offering our Mothers Day serenades online, via Zoom. Happening online, these serenades can now be enjoyed not only by folks in New York City, but by people across the country who can access and use Zoom on the Internet.
These serenades are not pre-recorded, but are a virtual live performance by a quartet whose four members have all been fully vaccinated and for whom it is thus safe to sing together in the same room. So, instead of a "singing telegram," we're calling this our "Zoom-Gram"!
A quartet (such as those pictured on this page, from past in-person performances) will greet the recipient of your gift by name and will sing two sentimental Mother's Day songs directly to her, on your behalf: "M-O-T-H-E-R" and "Heart of My Heart."
" for the million things she gave me..."
All you'll have to do is get her onto Zoom at the scheduled time on May 9th. We'll let you know the Zoom Meeting I.D. number and the Passcode. And you can certainly be present on the Zoom-Gram as well.
If you have the capability and knowledge of recording your Zoom sessions, you may do so. Just let us know, so that we can activate that for you at the start. If you do not have that capability, let us know beforehand and we could record it for you, post it as "unlisted" on YouTube and send you the private YouTube link within a few days, which you could then share with family/friends.
The price is $39 for your customized "Zoom-Gram." Our quartet's serenades will be available every 15 minutes between Noon and 6:00 pm (EDT) on Sunday, May 9th.
Scheduling your "Zoom Gram":
To schedule your Mother's Day "Zoom-Gram," we ask that you call Joe, a member of the quartet that will sing on Mother's Day. The phone number is 1 (212) 287-5250. Please call him between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm (EDT). Joe will schedule your Zoom-Gram and will request from you the following information:
â–º Your name, phone number, email address, time zone, and how you heard about our "Zoom Gram," will you be on the Zoom-Gram? your name on Zoom,
â–º Your recipient's first name, her relationship to you, her name on Zoom, her proficiency on Zoom, and her time-zone.
â–º Any special name or nick-name you'd like to have the quartet use while speaking with the recipient, and anything special you might like the quartet to mention to her between the songs.
â–º How you prefer to pay for the "Zoom-Gram." Payment options are: a credit card, PayPal or Venmo. [Joe will ask for your credit card information or give you the Chorus' PayPal or Venmo account name.]
We will send you an email, to remind you of your scheduled "Zoom-Gram" start-time, and let you know the Zoom Meeting I.D. and its Passcode and any other necessary details.
Thank you for considering our unique, unusual and special surprise (and perhaps long-distance) Mothers Day gift of an a cappella quartet singing love songs live--but virtually--on Zoom, a loving serenade (similar to a singing telegram) to someone you love very deeply.